KPMG & REC Report on Jobs February 2024
Neil Carberry of the REC is quite right when he says that now is the time for the government and the Bank of England to step up and enable/encourage the UK to grow.
The jobs market is stagnant with salaries normalising as the cost of living eases and job vacancies continuing to drop.
And whilst the headlines say the shortage of candidates is softening, you need to take a closer look at each sector to get a truer picture.
If you're struggling to hire, the 'candidate shortage' should not be an excuse, however.
The people you want exist they just need a reason to move.
With salary growth easing you're less likely to be competing on pay, so consider what your proposition is concerning work culture, location, flexibility etc.
Make sure your recruitment process is simple, speedy and unbiased.
And remember that the power is not entirely in the hands of the employer.
Jobseekers will always have a choice.
I'm always happy to be a source of help and advice, for free, whether it be around reviewing hiring processes or putting together a compelling offering to job seekers.
Contact us now for a free, no-obligation chat. Contact Clare here.
Clare Wight is the founder and Managing Director of Clarity Appointments, an independent recruitment specialist. She served as a Regional Director for The Employment Agents Movement, supporting other independent recruiters.
She remains an active member of Recconnect (formerly Members Only), a recruitment leadership network promoting high ethical standards, collaboration, diversity, equity and inclusion.
She believes business owners are more fulfilled and higher-performing when they provide emotional and professional business support to other business owners, even those they deem to be competitors. She does this actively, whilst challenging and updating her skills and knowledge of the recruitment sector, enabling her to offer the best advice to firms looking to make their next hire.
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