Meet the Team: Clare Wight, Managing Director
Back when I wrote the first draft of this page, to put a human face to the business, we'd never heard of Coronavirus, the team was small but growing and all of us spent most of our week on the phone or interviewing. All perfectly normal human interactions.
Fast forward several years and I realise it's time to revise the 'about us' pages.
Life is very different in 2023, human interaction is reduced and we're reading daily about how AI is dramatically changing the job application process.
The need for a human face seems more important now than it has ever been.
So, gone is the photo of a skydive and a long explanation of how I got into recruitment and loved world travel, and more about who I am now.
My name is Clare Wight and I'm the founder and MD of Clarity Appointments, incorporated back in 2005 when I was working with a board of directors before buying the business in December 2007.
I've seen it through a global financial crisis and the pandemic, teaching me to never be embarrassed about the fact I never went to university.
Yes, I was once that person who got up at 5.30 am, did an hour in the pool and was at my desk long before anyone else. Working evenings and weekends was pretty normal.
But no longer.
This Clare has no commute, throws on a pair of trainers to walk around the lakes at the end of the road or around beautiful Cambridge, bakes bread, and spends lots of time staying in touch with other recruiters to ensure I'm up-to-date (many I am proud to call my friends).
This Clare finds joy in the smallest of things and takes time out of her week to breathe and allow space for creativity.
Once I enjoyed world travel but in the pandemic I was one of those people who got a pet (a present from my husband because I was lonely at home all day). And for now, I am content to take short UK breaks and the odd day off for rest.
The pet? He's a Maine Coon cat called Humphrey, is chatty, loving, demanding and ensures our home has never been dirtier.
Learning to love working from home has taken time, I'll be honest. I can overthink, I can procrastinate and I miss human contact. But I don't miss the treadmill I was once on.
And, whilst Clarity is a smaller business than it once was, it's working, we're happy and I'm proud of what we deliver.
A short break/networking event in Devon with recruitment friends during the pandemic;
Humphrey (of course);
King's College seen from the top of Great St Mary's Church (why hadn't I made time to go up that staircase before the pandemic?)