How to Advertise a Job Vacancy
The responsibility for filling your company's job vacancies is a big one. A responsibility that's sometimes handed to individuals within an organisation with little experience. Or someone who's employing the same tactics they have used time and time again, without refreshing their approach or tailoring it according to the need.
Which means that the results are poor, time and money are wasted and important vacancies are left unfilled for extended periods of time.
Here I talk about the key considerations to ensure you use your time and budget effectively and get the results you want and need.
- Deciding where to advertise your vacancy
- Considerations regarding job title to attract the right applicants
- What information you might want to include
- How the advert should be written
This is a subject area I have spent time perfecting with copywriting training and many years of practice. I cannot even begin to share the extent of my knowledge in eight minutes but hopefully, this will set you on the right path!
Above financial reward, people can be enticed to work for another organisation for:
- A more challenging role that offers training and development
- A better boss
And remember: every applicant has clicked 'apply' in good faith and deserves a response. You might be warmed by the positive impact a 'thanks, but no thanks' email has.
"How so very refreshing to receive a response. ( I have many horror stories ) I am most appreciative. A lesson for many.
The two videos by Clare have been absolutely invaluable & for that, I can not thank you enough."
In 2021 when job hunting has never been tougher, be kind.
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Contact us now for a free, no-obligation chat. Contact Clare here.
Clare Wight is the founder and Managing Director of Clarity Appointments, an independent recruitment specialist. She served as a Regional Director for The Employment Agents Movement, supporting other independent recruiters.
She remains an active member of Recconnect (formerly Members Only), a recruitment leadership network promoting high ethical standards, collaboration, diversity, equity and inclusion.
She believes business owners are more fulfilled and higher-performing when they provide emotional and professional business support to other business owners, even those they deem to be competitors. She does this actively, whilst challenging and updating her skills and knowledge of the recruitment sector, enabling her to offer the best advice to firms looking to make their next hire.